It’s time to get back on track. I’ve preached to so many that you can start over the next morning, the next meal, the next minute. I’ve have SO not been practicing what I preach.
The tooth thing morphed into laryngitis. While I didn’t feel all that bad, cardio was tough because whatever was attacking my body took up residence in my lungs. I exercised a little bit – ok not that much – and quickly fell into some of my ugly habits. I was sick (I had a very impaired voice and it got old) for four and a half weeks! Honestly, I just got to the point where I was tired of being sick and didn’t want to do ANYTHING.
OK, enough excuses. First I slowed down on my exercise (more like stopped). Then, I started snacking on a little bite of this, and another tiny bite of that. THEN came Halloween. YIKES!
The one thing I LOVE from Halloween is a peanut butter pumpkin by Reese’s. At Christmas, it’s a peanut butter tree; Easter, a peanut butter egg. You get the picture. But I haven’t had one peanut butter anything since Easter 2009. I know the point value, and I could have had one. I could have make a deliberate decision to have one. ONE!
However, I decided that I was going to forego the tasty treat and move forward in strength! Yeah right!
So instead of making a deliberate decision to eat something that I actually enjoy, I ate a bunch of Whoppers. Seriously?! Who even LIKES those crazy things? I could have planned and enjoyed, when instead I reacted and consumed many more points than I would have, than I should have, because I bored and wanted some candy.
Dumb decision. Decision made in the past. Time to move forward.
FINALLY. It’s one week after Halloween. I’ve worked out three days this week. Definitely an improvement, but I could do soooooo MUCH better.
And tomorrow – it’s time to pay the piper. I’ve got to weigh in. YUCK!
Oh well, whatever happens, happens. It’s time to get back on track. I think I’ve just about gotten my head back on straight.
It’s just another step on my path towards the new, stronger me. Off I go.