Thursday, May 13, 2010

Moving beyond mistakes

Two weeks ago, I hit a brick wall. I came face to face with a significant mistake that has cost me greatly. The realization left me doubting my strength and questioning my worth. The consequences left me alone – at least that's what I convinced myself. It was a scary place. Do I have the strength to take this journey by myself?

I made it that next week without feeding my emotions. For that I was grateful.

I was able to share my hurt with my mom. For her, I am grateful.

I sat at the feet of my Savior. For Him, grateful doesn't even begin to cover what I feel.

Every day, I have the opportunity to start over. Every day, I have the chance to do my best. Every day, I can make a difference not only in my life, but also in the lives of the people around me.

One of the promises I made to myself for this year, 2010, was that I was going to return to my passion, to writing. Recently, I stepped away from that. I stopped doing something that I love. Why, because I didn't want to think about how bad I felt. But if I'm going to grow, I have to be honest – even when it hurts.

This journey is about a stronger, healthier me. I'm stepping back into it. I'm taking care of myself.

I deserve it.

1 comment:

  1. You can do this! You are a strong and loving mother who has always been there for everyone...many of those folks can depend on themselves a little more now and it is time for YOU to focus on you. Love you Kathy Woodard! Vandy
