Friday, June 24, 2011

Needle-Out Day

Today is Friday, treatment 9 of 20. I am almost halfway through with the most intense part of my treatment. This has been a rough week, as I have added nausea to my list of symptoms. And I am a baby when it comes to being sick to my stomach. However, I’m not going to focus on that today; because today is Friday. It’s the day the needle comes out!  Ahhh, three full days without the sharp instrument nestled in my chest.

Sometimes you have to look a little deeper to find a reason to be grateful. For me, today, it’s freedom from the nasty needle!

Truthfully, I’ve got many, many reasons to be grateful:

  • I am surrounded by an unbelievable support network.
  • I am constantly being covered in prayer.
  • I get multiple notes of encouragement daily – via email, Facebook, snail mail, texts, phone, etc. – assuring me that I am never alone.
  • Friends are making sure that my family has a warm meal every night.
  • I have friends willing to sit with me during my treatments, especially on Mondays when I am afraid. And one friend even brings me Diet Coke!
  • My husband and kids are all three are very eager to help me with anything!
  • Hannah is again healthy, after a scary bladder/kidney infection.
  • I have an amazing mom who is always available – to listen, to encourage, you name it. She is a wonderful woman and friend!
  • I have a boss who insists that I put my health first. “Go home and rest,” has become his favorite instruction to me.

God is so good. He has met, and continues to meet my every need. He remains faithful and evident each and every day. He promised he would not ever leave me or forsake me. He hasn’t, and He won’t. No matter how difficult the journey, I am not ever alone.

If you are being used by God to care for me, to encourage me, and to bless me, know that I thank God for you every day.

1 comment:

  1. 'Just read your blog on Sunday evening and wanted you to know that I will be earnestly praying for you that THIS Monday will not be as bad for you! Linda W.
