Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My First WW Meeting

There are some very sweet ladies at work who have recently started Weight Watchers. It is nice that our group is growing. I've got people around me who are starting down the same path I have been on since July of last year. It is TOTALLY COOL! We are going to help each other.

I was talking with one lady about how nervous she was to go to her first meeting. She said she was going to sit on the back row and swore she would not say a word!

It reminded me of my first meeting. I went with Tracy – I needed someone to hide behind. We sat on the back row. I didn't say ANYTHING, and prayed the entire time that no one would notice me.

WHEW! Sweet success. The meeting ended, and I was able to slip out quietly.

I was terrified and nervous, but mostly I told myself that I would never be able to relate to these people. They were strong and every single one of them was thinner than me. I think that even if someone in that room had weighed 500 pounds, I would have seen them as being smaller than me.

I felt like I was at some goofy Amway meeting where everyone was cheering everyone for even the tiniest of successes. Give me a break! Are these people serious!?

Well, I kept going. Everyone talked about the strength they gain from the meetings. It took me a long time to understand. It is a time to encourage one another. I got encouragement; and eventually, I GAVE encouragement!

I've grown! That sounds so funny thinking about growing while I'm trying to get smaller. But I did. I realized small successes, then larger successes, and most importantly, consistent successes. And now I see the benefit of the meetings. I'm being held accountable, and I'm helping to hold others accountable. We are learning TOGETHER!

And I've got something to teach other people.


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