Tuesday, June 8, 2010

“Working” the Plan

One of the nice things about Weight Watchers is that I can eat anything I want, as long as I have the points. Of course, they recommend that I follow the "Good Health Guidelines" – suggested daily servings of dairy, protein, oil, fruits, vegetables, etc. I'm sure you get the idea.

I could eat a doughnut for breakfast, a sub sandwich and chips for lunch, and wash it down with a baked potato and grilled chicken for dinner. Of course, I still have a few points left for a one-point Weight Watcher bar (yes, they come in chocolate and are quite tasty) and some 100-calorie popcorn before turning in.

Yay me. I've stayed within my points. However…..

I've missed the point of the entire program.

I chose Weight Watchers because I felt it was the one program that would guide me towards a new, healthy lifestyle. Fortunately for me (if you can call any of this good), I'm going to be on this program for a long time. I'll have plenty of time to identify areas of improvement and lots of time to work on them.

I've been doing better on getting in two daily servings of dairy. No, I'm not perfect, but definitely making progress.

Now, I'm trying to add more fruits and veggies. Did you know you're supposed to have FIVE or more servings a DAY! Good GRIEF! No wonder I'm overweight! I would rather have pretzels than an apple, or m&m's instead of grapes. And yes, I would rather have a hamburger or a piece of pizza instead of a salad.

Periodically, there will be times for pretzels, candy, and even hamburgers. But it's about time that I start doing what is better for me long term, than feeding my insecurities with junk that will only lead to my demise.

Who knows? Maybe I will even teach my kids to eat well.

1 comment:

  1. Go girl! I am proud of you--hope you all are doing well. I miss seeing and sharing with you.

    Janet Cluck
