Saturday, November 20, 2010

In a funk

I’m in a funk. I’ve been in a funk for a couple of months. It started with my being sick for several weeks, and then kept on as I tried to get myself back on track.

This time last year, I was just gaining some momentum, posting losses each week. Now, I feel like I’m just going through the motions.

I’m tracking my points – for the most part. Well, at least until I get home from work. Then I lose interest.

I’m going to the gym, but it feels like absolute drudgery. Before I was sick, I loved going to exercise. Whether I was walking on the treadmill or pushing myself on the elliptical, I always felt great (though exhausted) when I was done. Now, I just go, tick off the minutes, and leave.

Like I said, I’m in a funk.

On the bright side, the one thing I do know is that – even though I feel like I’m hanging by a thread – I am not going to quit.

That’s gotta count for something.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there, Kathy! So proud of you for not giving up. Lots of love and anti-funk fuzzies to you!
